Full lifecycle testing

  • Full lifecycle testing

Full lifecycle testing

Full lifecycle testing is aimed to the long-term work with your application. It takes more than a single use diagnosis to deliver the highest system quality: it's necessary to carry out tests on every major phase during the software development: design, development, release and use.

Webmart QA shows more than once that the work of a software product testing team through the software testing lifecycle of an app, starting from the early stages, definition of product requirements and concluding with its implementation and support, gives the best results. Defects debugging, located at the early production stages, cost less than the resolution of incidents, located by the end-user.

The complete software testing cycle allows to develop a precise test plan and methodology of testing, as the goals and duration of every development stage of the app are defined widely while working.

We present a report on the quality level of your product and its dynamics in accordance with the results of that work. The QA team workflow is recorded in test scenarios, test-cases and other documentation that gives a transparent access to the workflow. Conversely, the list of defects can be extended by adding the recommendations on the project stabilization.

Common project cost savings

when using this service within the SFDLC

  • Warranty post-release maintenance
  • Continuous working
  • Full transparent access to the testing workflow
Webmart QA are perfect on the quality improvement issues. Thanks to that, our project - YMMD - is now available in AppStore. Our product is more reliable and looks more decent from now on!
Boon Chew, Nanaimo Studio